Monday, February 18, 2019

Moon magic

About 10 years ago my teacher asked me if I would represent our yoga studio at a women’s
conference.  My first thought upon hearing this request was “what do I know about being a woman?”.
That was a huge wake up call for me.  I had completely lost my connection to myself. At that time in
my life I was struggling in a very dysfunctional/abusive marriage.   I was working full time, teaching
yoga, trying to raise a family and run a household. The only way I could survive was to shut myself
off from my emotions. I fulfilled all my responsibilities. I worked very hard at maintaining the illusion
that I was strong and capable but on the inside, I was broken into a million little pieces.  I didn’t even
recognize myself.

I’m grateful for the strong solar energy in my nature that gave me the strength I needed to take care
of my family but something was missing.   

As I furthered my study of yoga and Ayurveda I learned the axiom, Like increases like and opposites
cure.  A Vedic astrologer once told me that the sun is the strongest planet in my chart.
In an effort to find balance I asked my Ayurveda teacher, Ed Zadlo, for guidance.  He suggested that
I start chanting the moon mantra:

Om Som Somaya Namaha.

During Ayurveda class I was reminded of the moon salutation that I learned years earlier as a way to
pacify the fiery nature of Pitta.  I decided to do some research. I wanted to learn all I could about the
moon salutation. I was disappointed that I could not find ANY information about the moon salutation
that I had learned from a teacher named, Betheyla Anuradha.

After 20 years of studying yoga I had come to know that direct experience was the best teacher.
So, I embarked on an adventure.  Beginning on a new moon, each night I would flow through
11 rounds of Betheyla’s moon salutation and then chanted 108x the moon mantra.  This “new moon
sadhana” (spiritual practice) continued every night until the following new moon.

Each evening as I flowed through the sequence repeating the mantra mentally with each breath the
moon began to reveal her lessons.  Each evening as I flowed through the sequence with the mantra
repeating itself in my mind I began to find my way back to myself.

At the end of the month long sadhana I decided to lead a new moon sadhana workshop and share
what I learned with others.  Watching the students as they moved through the sequence was so
powerful. I cannot find the words to adequately describe what I witnessed.  The sequence was new
to the students so the first few rounds the students were very much in their head. Their movements
were a little awkward.  BUT…..that moment, when they got out of their head and they began to flow
smoothly through each movement with the flow of their breath was magical!

The feedback from the students after that first class was overwhelming.  Everyone was as moved by
the practice as I was. I knew that I had to offer the new moon sadhana as often as I could.  Many of
the students in that first class have gone on to teach the new moon sadhana in their own yoga
communities.   I feel so blessed to have learned it directly from Betheyla. She was an amazing,
inspiring teacher and it makes me so happy to know that she is still inspiring students through her
beautiful moon salutation.  

Over the past 7 years or so, I have been following the phases of the moon and I continue to celebrate
each new moon with the new moon sadhana.  Some months I practice on my own. Other times I
share the experience with others. Each new moon I write down my intentions for what it is that I
want to grow in my life. I flow through the moon salutation and chant the moon mantra.  

I am eternally grateful to Betheyla for sharing this powerful sequence with me.  It has become a
lifelong sadhana. The teachings that have been revealed to me through the new moon sadhana
have helped me reclaim my feminine nature.  

Each time I lead a new moon sadhana I am in awe of the power of this simple practice.  
Dr. David Frawley says in one of his books that the Sun represents our Striving towards God and the
moon represents God’s  blessings (soma) flowing towards us. The moon salutation gives us an
opportunity to open ourselves up to receive.

So many women have a hard time receiving.  They are more comfortable giving and doing.
The moon salutation reminds us to open ourselves up to receive the blessings from God and in
learning to open we become more receptive to receiving support we all so desperately need.

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