Those of you who know me know that I have very strong opinions. I even joke about my strong opinions on things that don't fit neatly into one of my mentally constructed boxes. My opinions and my values are very clear to me. Things are either right or wrong, up or down, hot or cold, good or bad.... I could go on but you get the picture.
The practice of acknowledging and examining my strongly held beliefs has been daunting and difficult but imperative. Each day, I strive to be a better version of myself than I was the day before. That requires I take a good hard look at my thoughts and beliefs. The beauty of this bat-shit crazy human life is that we have the ability to evolve and grow. It's not an easy process but nothing worth doing is ever easy.
It's overwhelming to see all the injustice and evil in the world. The problems seem insurmountable.
I often times feel like I'm losing faith in humanity. How can there be so much evil in this world? I honestly, don't understand. My heart breaks day after day. I feel powerless.
Watching the video of a cop murdering a handcuffed black man on the street was horrifying. There's no doubt that what we all witnessed in that video was evil. That's clear. What's not clear to me is how anyone can defend the man who murdered George Floyd. What's not clear to me is how the other cops can stand there and do nothing. I can't even find the words to express the rage and sadness that I feel that this happened AGAIN.
I have a teenage son. He's 17 years old and believes he's invincible as most teenage boys do. Whenever he leaves the house I worry as most mothers do. What I can't stop thinking about is the terror a mother of a black child must feel every time her child leaves the house. When I look at my children I see your children too.
The rage and sadness I'm feeling today is making it difficult for me to find the words so please forgive me as I must speak bluntly. Until we all examine our belief that one life is more valuable than another NONE of our children are safe from evil. Until we look at each other and see ourselves NONE of us are safe from evil. We cannot heal the world around us and right the injustices until we acknowledge and examine that strongly held belief that "WE" are more valuable than "THEM".
I don't give a damn what color you are, what religion you are, what political party you align yourself with, I don't give a damn whether you are straight or gay or both. I don't give a damn how much money you have or how educated you are. WE ARE THEM!! WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS!!!
We must hold each other and ourselves accountable for not only our actions but the subtle underlying beliefs that contribute to the injustices in the world around us. The practice of self-inquiry may show you some belief that you weren't even conscious of. It may show you a belief that you are ashamed of or feel guilty about. It may be a belief that is really hard to look at. What matters now is acknowledging and taking responsibility. We all have the ability to evolve and grow or to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that we aren't part of the problem. The choice is yours.
I am you and you are me. This must become our shared belief.
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My teacher, Ed
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