Monday, December 27, 2010

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change......

 Years ago I decided that I wanted to do some volunteer work.  I didn't know what to do so I called my church and offered to volunteer my time in any way that was needed.  The nun in charge was thrilled to have a volunteer and she was quick to give me an assignment.   I was to visit with shut ins.  Just sit and chat with them.  It wasn't exactly what I had in mind but I accepted the assignment.   I tried several times to connect with an elderly woman in the parish to set up a time for me to go visit with her.  After my third call she says to me "Listen honey, I know you've been looking forward to coming to visit but I'm just too busy right now".     Hilarious!   I call the nun in charge again and explain that I'm not cut out for visits to chat. "I'm more interested in actually doing something to help someone." I tell her.   She replied that sometimes just having someone to talk to is help enough. 

  I have to admit that I still have trouble wrapping my mind around that idea.  When someone has a problem I want to fix it.  Okay, the problem has been identified now let's get to work on fixing it.  There has to be a solution to every problem.  Right?

  Last week-end my daughter and I were watching some TV show called Special Victim Unit Marathon.  One of the episodes ended without telling you which suspect was actually guilty.  It was one person's word against the other.  It made me crazy because there must be some way to know who was guilty!!  How can they end the show like that??  But in real life sometimes we don't really know for sure who's guilty or know for sure what the best solution to a problem is.  Dare I say it? That sometimes there isn't a fix for a problem.

  What do we do if a friend calls us with a problem that just doesn't have a fix? What if what's happening to them just plain sucks and isn't fair and there isn't anything you can do to fix it?  My mind says there must be something I can do to help I just have to think harder to find it.  Then I remember sister Anne's message - sometimes just having someone to talk to is help enough.

 In my hast to find a solution to the problem I sometimes forget that message.  I forget to listen.  I forget to be that someone for a friend to talk to.   I often forget to be that friend to myself too.  In my hast to find a solution I forget to take the time to listen to my own inner guidance.  I forget that sometimes acceptance is the solution to a problem.

                                                               The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

The act of acceptance is what opens our hearts and minds so that we can listen for the inner guidance - that "wisdom to know the difference".   Having someone to talk to is help enough........  Be that someone.


  1. That is the truth!!! Hope you had a great holiday and I hope the new year brings you peace and more. I'm going to change some things this year and one of those things is being there as much as I can for all of my family and friends. Sometimes It's hard to keep up with so many people and so many things, but I believe it will be worth it. See you soon.

  2. From experience I know that talking helps any problem. When another person really listens to you and is concerned it seems that the pain, or problem is shared even though there is no definite answer. Although sometimes just talking and talking you find that you come up with the your own answer. But just sharing the load is a big help.
    Also I tell my children that sometimes we pray so hard for God to tell us what we should do that we never shut up long enough to hear his answer!

  3. I really like what nhorv said about God. Mirella, I feel that God is trying to make me aware of this as well. With acceptance of what we cannot change, there is detachment from the material realm. It can be so hard.

  4. Michelle, I hope to see you soon. I've missed you!
    Nancy, Thank you for the reminder. Someone once said that when we pray we are talking to God and when we meditate we're listening to God talk to us. The listening part is soo important.
    Susan, acceptance is hard but necessary - the more we practice acceptance the easier it gets - at least I hope it gets easier......


My teacher, Ed

When I heard the news of Ed's passing I think I was in shock.  I knew he wasn't well but I still wasn't prepared for this news. ...