Thursday, November 1, 2018

Yoga Sadhana - the gift of self-care

I want to talk about self-care.  More specifically, why is it that self-care is the first thing to fall by the waste side at times when we need it the most?  Is it possible to hold onto our self-care routines in the midst of chaos?

With candy corn still in my teeth I can already feel Santa's sleigh nipping at my heels.

What's in Santa's sleigh THIS year? 

A heaping helping of added financial pressure.
A second page added to the "to do" list. 
Another mask of forced cheerfulness to wear. 
A big box of tangled Christmas lights to struggle with along with your tangled emotions. 
Achy feet and achy backs wrapped in shiny paper.
Plates of magic cookies that mysterious shrink your clothes. 
And let's not forget the endless hours of Christmas cheer coming from every speaker!  
It's the most wonderful time of the year....

For some of us this is the most stressful time of the year.  It's the time of the year when our self-care routines are put on the shelf right next to the "Elf on the shelf".   Whether it's a conscious choice or a product of "not enough time" It is a CHOICE.  

With the "holiday season" barreling around the corner I made a choice.   I'm choosing to make self-care a priority.  What will you choose during this "most wonderful time of the year"?  I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that when I hold onto my self-care routine I can move through life with more Grace and Ease. 

Hold your horses, I mean reindeer, Santa! 

All I want for Christmas this year is:
The serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
The wisdom to know the difference

I realize that you may have your own self-care routine.  Some of you may actually enjoy this time of the year.  I'm not here to add to your to do list.   I'm here to remind you that you matter.  I'm here to give you permission to say "NO" to the things you do only out of obligation.  If making 8,000. cookies makes you happy than by all means bake away.   But, if like me, you struggle remember that you have a choice.  

My commitment to self-care includes a yoga and meditation practice. Keeping a gratitude journal helps me ward off the feelings of inadequacy that are always magnified at this time of the year.  It can be hard not to get swept away with the chaos and activity of the "holiday season" but it's not impossible.   Yoga and Meditation have been my saving Grace.  When I stay focused on my practice I always find the energy I need to tackle the to do lists.  I am better equipped to untangle the Christmas lights and my emotions.   When I'm firmly grounded in my true nature I have the wisdom to know where to spend not only money but also my energy.   

For the next few weeks I'll be focusing of self-care and cultivating an attitude of gratitude in my yoga classes.  I hope to see you on the mat.  Saturday 10am and Sunday 8am at Yoga on Main!! 

My teacher, Ed

When I heard the news of Ed's passing I think I was in shock.  I knew he wasn't well but I still wasn't prepared for this news. ...